Being a parent has taught me two things. First, I have gained a fuller picture of how God sees us. If I can sacrifice for my son, and if I love him just because he is my son, how much must God love me (Matthew 7:11, Matthew 6:25-27). Second, God doesn't need me for bumpkis. Seriously. Nothing I do has any worth to God of its own accord. The only reason anything I do is worth do didily squat is because God so delights in me because I am His son (Romans 9:14-16). Remember the speech God gives Job, along about chapter 40? Taking credit for anything good in my life suddenly seems really, really stupid...
Soli Deo Gloria
TRUE. It takes a long time to get this into our heads doesn't it? I think if Paul were writing Philippians 3 in this day and age he would have said he considered everything "do didily squat" considered to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. Great point today Mike, I love hearing from the new dads how God is transforming them through their babies. :)