Saturday, January 17, 2009

BBC on US health care

I think this is a pretty good summary of our (the United States) population.  How does this story strike you?  Do you think our attitude fits with the Gospel?  Is health care a right?  Is a private or public health care system better?  Should the rich fund health care for the poor?  What is the Church's role in this issue?  How does God call you to respond?  How does the command "Love your neighbor as yourself" apply to the current situation in US health care?  What can be done in your community?

Soli Deo Gloria


  1. Interesting indeed. The question for me is: to what extent should we allow our Christian conception of rightful conduct influence our political conceptions of what people should be able to do, on the one hand, and forced to do, on the other? It can be a challenge putting on the different hats, and I wonder if we should. That's why I find that "God and Politics" book you're reading so interesting.

    I think I still don't have a clear conception of what my rightful role should be in the political process, as far as whether I should have divorced political and religious views or, if not, the extent that they should be merged.

  2. I'm in the same place. I'm reading Yonus' 'Creating a World Without Poverty' concurrent with 'God and Politics.' I think the complement is good. Must say that 'God and Politics' has complicated the picture more than clarified at the moment...

  3. I think I agree with all the above - should Christians use Caesar's arm to enact moral ends?

    Half the question appears to be "what is the role of government"? Clearly, this is a nail for Christians to hammer, but is government the hammer, or the socket wrench?

  4. I think we get in too deep when we try to change the entirety of any government policy with our view of right and wrong... it's up to us to influence our neighbor, to train our children and to lift the fallen we encounter every day. Imagine what could be done if all the well meaning Christians stopped putting so much effort into lobbying and did these seemingly small things. It has been decades since we've seen a society such as that.
